DEX/UCS for Android & iOS

It's time to discover the DEX advantage...
DEX/UCS: An Industry Standard
For over thirty years the DEX (Direct EXchange) – a digital communication protocol that extends the UCS (Uniform Communication Standard) – has enabled direct story delivery (DSD) drivers to quickly and easily transmit digital invoices to retailers’ receiving clerks at their loading docks. As such, it has more than earned its stellar reputation as the industry standard and has been adopted by the majority of grocery chains and other large retailers.
DEX Benefits
The DEX standardized system was developed in the early 1980s, and designed to minimize the time, costs, errors, and rework associated with issuing paper invoices. Since then the protocol has been revised several times (the most currently used versions today are 4010 and 5010), and Versatile Mobile Systems (VMS) continues to lead the way in providing updated software as soon as new versions are adapted. Currently, we support up to UCS version 6030.
Here are just a few of the many benefits you’ll receive with DEX:
- It’s robust & flexible. DEX data is extremely useful and very extensive. This means you can get as much, or as little, as you require.
- You’ll save time & reduce errors. DEX eliminates the need for route employees to write what they load onto route cards and manually input this information into handheld computers. Instead, retailers electronically receive distributors’ invoices immediately when products are delivered, which further eliminates data entry errors and inefficiencies.
- More accurate & up-to-date inventory. Because inventory data is in the system at the time of delivery, it is more up-to-date and reliable. Additionally, DEX eliminates invoice processing times and allows for checks on quantities, prices, and product authorizations. Moreover, DEX confirms that the products and prices listed on your invoices are correct, which increases accuracy and efficiencies and eliminates the risks of unknown products arriving at checkouts.
Retailers stand the most to gain – and they can encourage DEX use by offering incentives or priority service.
Versatile Mobile Systems’ DEX Solutions
Since the late 1990s, Versatile Mobile Systems has offered DEX software solutions on every major mobile operating system, including DOS, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile, and now Android and IOS. Versatile Mobile Systems DEX for IOS and Android is currently available as an embedded client. Versatile Mobile Systems’ entire suite of DEX software is compliant from version 4010 to 6030.
The Future is Now: DEX For Android/iOS
DEX has always required ruggedized mobile computers to make the system work. With equipment costs ranging from $1500 to $4000 per route, this capital expenditure put DEX out of reach of most small to mid-range suppliers. While economies of scale and distributed cost of fleet maintenance make ruggedized equipment the right choice for the largest distributors, they have yet to make economic sense for companies with fewer drivers. Unfortunately, without the ability to DEX, smaller suppliers are often locked out of the national retail grocery chains. Now Versatile Mobile Systems’ DEX for Android and IOS makes it possible to DEX from low-cost consumer tablets and smartphones in addition to ruggedized mobile computers. We’ve made DEX available to everyone; whether you have one driver or one-thousand-and-one drivers who need to DEX, we have a solution for you.
Benefits of DEX/UCS for Android/iOS
- DEX becomes even more cost-effective to deploy
- With DEX, expect to reduce labor hours
- DEX helps reduce errors
- DEX is proven technology and is durable for all environments
- DEX is easy to use – especially with Android compatibility
Features of DEX/UCS for Android
- View, open and edit Invoices
- Send multiple invoices in one session
- Supports DEX dueling
- Full adjustment editing/management
- Print invoices
- Signature capture
- Supports UCS versions 4010- 6030
- Supports all communication options (USB / Serial / Bluetooth / Bluetooth LE) *device-dependent
NOTE: Versatile Mobile Systems will continue to offer DEX for Windows Mobile in addition to Android.
Walmart Compliance
Are You A Small-Medium Sized Walmart Supplier Looking For A DEX Solution?
If so, you’ve come to the right place.
That’s right, Versatile Mobile & LaceUp Solutions have partnered together to provide small- and medium-sized suppliers a faster and more efficient way to do business with Walmart. Our end-to-end solution – a process called DEX – will help you to better manage your deliveries, integrate seamlessly with WalMart’s back-end accounting system, and transmit invoices at the back door receiving – with a simple push of a button.
As a result, Walmart receivers can adjust orders on the spot (i.e. fix quantity or pricing issues) so that both of you leave with finalized transactions. Imagine how this will speed up your deliveries, eliminate costly errors and frustrating rework, and maximize your overall supply chain efficiencies!